
Thursday 2 April 2020


Recent research revealed that drinking hot water on an empty stomach provides numerous health benefits. Lemon-infused water, for example, reduces free radicals and helps different organs function properly.
As per Health Line, you should drink at least eight oz. of water per day. Starting and ending your day with a warm drink increases your chances of enjoying health benefits. Here are seven of them.
Eases Constipation
Constipation is an uncomfortable condition that has irritating effects. It is a common stomach problem that results from little to no bowel movement and caused by lack of water in the body. Clinical nutritionist and health expert in Food and Nutrition Sciences Stella Metsovas said women are prone to hormonal imbalance, which has constipation as its side effect. Drinking a warm drink in the morning reduces its development, reported Medical Daily.
Improves Blood Circulation
Fat deposits accumulated in the nervous system are removed by drinking a glass of hot water. It flushes out toxins and improves your blood circulation and loosens your muscle tissues.

Promotes Weight Loss
Drinking warm water increases your body temperature. It also improves your body’s metabolic rate, allowing it to burn more calories. Infusing warm water with lemon hastens the process. Lemon’s pectic fibers control your food cravings, making you eat less. It also breaks down the adipose tissue making you lose more weight. Drinking this in the morning is highly recommended by physicians.
Soothes Pain
Warm water therapy also decreases uterine pain caused by menstrual cramps. It improves capillary circulation and relaxes your stomach and uterine muscles. Period pain is caused by stressed muscle tissues because of period contractions. Drinking warm water reduces the risks of experiencing menstrual pains.
Prevents Premature Aging
According to Life Hack, the accumulation of toxins in the body makes you age faster. It also makes you more vulnerable to illnesses. Warm water flushes out these toxins and repairs skin cells. As a result, your skin is more elastic and free from signs of aging.
Induces Sleep
Drinking hot water before bedtime soothes the nerves and makes your body feel relaxed. This induces sleep and stops midnight cravings. You will wake up with an empty stomach, but this will make you feel fresh and rejuvenated in the morning.

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