
Monday 14 November 2016


The founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Temitope Joshua, on Sunday said his earlier prophecy on the U.S. presidential election was given different interpretation by people “on a different level” with him.

In his Sunday sermon, Mr. Joshua (popularly known as TB Joshua) said people would need the spirit of a prophet to be able to recognize one.
“We have seen the outcome of the election in America,” Mr. Joshua said in a message later posted on the church’s official website and Facebook page.
He also hinted that his reference to Hilary Clinton as eventual winner was reflected in her winning more popular votes than Donald Trump.
“Having read, you will notice that it is all about the popular vote, the vote of the majority of Americans. In this case, we need the Spirit of a Prophet to recognize a Prophet. Our levels are different. We are not on the same level.
“We might have great cathedrals, huge bells, and all kinds of activities that are good by human standards but human point of view is limited.
“1 Corinthians 1:25. The foolishness of God is wiser than that of men and the weakness of God is stronger than that of men. There is no shortcut to spiritual maturity unless earthly understanding gives way to spiritual enlightenment.”

The previous Sunday, with two days to the US Presidential election, Mr. Joshua had predicted a “narrow” victory for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party presidential candidate.
“Ten days ago, I saw the new President of America with a narrow win,” he had said in his prophecy which was later posted on the church’s official Facebook account.
“The new President will be facing several challenges over many issues, including: passing bills, attempts to possibly pass a vote of no confidence on the new President. The boat of the new President will be rocked.
“By the way, in order not to keep you in suspense, what I frankly saw is a woman.”
But on Wednesday, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate and Mrs. Clinton’s main opponent, clinched the ticket to the White House by winning 306 electoral colleges to Mrs. Clinton’s 232.
Mrs. Clinton, however, garnered more votes with 60,981,118 to Mr. Trump’s 60,350,241 votes.

In the aftermath of Mrs. Clinton’s defeat, Nigerians trooped to social media to mock Mr. Joshua over the failure of his prophecy.

On Wednesday morning, Mr. Joshua deleted the prophecy from the church’s official Facebook account.
In its place, he posted a seven-line message urging his members to join him in prayer.
On Sunday, Mr. Joshua said people tried to interpret the prophecy “on the basis of their own minds and ideas.”
“The prophecy seems (sic) to cause uproar, to many who gave it different meaning and interpretation,” he said.
“Finally, campaigns and elections in any democratic country in the world are never about one person, it is about the country we care and love. Whichever way it happens, we must accept the outcome and then look to the future (God), the Author and Finisher.
“Democracy is all about accommodation. All democrats must value the process of democracy more than the product. God bless the United States of America.”

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