
Saturday 22 October 2016


The two opposing candidates for the November 8 US General Elections, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are still fighting dirty even after months of bitter rivalry and campaign of calumny against each other.

The drama continued at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner in Manhattan which traditionally has presidential hopefuls in attendance every election year. As usual Trump took the first shots by calling Hillary "so corrupt" and saying she is merely “pretending not to hate Catholics,” an allusion to hacked correspondences from Clinton aides that appeared to include messages criticizing Roman Catholic conservatism.

He also made a reference to his earlier insinuation during the presidential debates that he will jail Hillary when he becomes president. “Just before taking the dais, Hillary accidentally bumped into me. And she very civilly said, ‘Pardon me,’” Mr. Trump said, as murmurs filled the room. “I very politely replied, ‘Let me talk to you about that after I get into office.’”
Mrs.. Clinton, seeming to get the joke before some others, chuckled hard before the punch line.
His speech attracted a lot of boos from the audience.
Mrs. Clinton while speaking, joked that Mr. Trump was “translating from the original Russian” on his teleprompters and wondering just how President Obama might be able to visit the White House for a reunion of former presidents under a Trump administration.
“How is Barack going to get past the Muslim ban?” she asked.
Noting that she was speaking second, she riffed: “It’s amazing I’m up here after Donald. I didn’t think he’d be O.K. with a peaceful transition of power.”
She also spoke of the Statue of Liberty, recounting how for most Americans, the green lady of freedom represents a shining beacon of hope and a welcome symbol for immigrants arriving on the nation’s shores. But Mr. Trump, she added with a glint of steel, “looks at the Statue of Liberty and sees a 4” — a not-so-veiled reference to his comments rating the physical appearance of women.
“Maybe a 5 if she loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair,” she continued, before making an explicit, if subtle, pitch for becoming the nation’s first female president.
“You know, come to think, know what would be a good number for a woman? 45,” she concluded triumphantly.
At the dinner before the remarks, the pair could be seen chatting, at least briefly, perched two seats apart, with only Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the archbishop of New York, between them.
Mr. Trump however reached out and shook her hand briefly before she quickly turned away before he did.

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