
Monday 9 December 2013


The entire world has indeed stood still to honour who truly deserves honour: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.
Never in the history of the world has any individual attracted so much love and adoration while alive and at death like Madiba! His legacy of perseverance to achieve freedom and equality for not just his people but also for their oppressors is unparallelled. Never has such a combination of defiant spirit and humility been found in an individual. He remained defiant against the ideals of supremacists no matter their race or extraction insisting on equality of all humanity and at the same time was a great example of humility and meekness. Never before has any individual had the privilege of personally meeting all the most important people of his time and still had time for the ordinary people of the world. He was celebrating his birthdays sometimes with children only! Never before has it been seen that a man will so willingly give up the chance of a second term or even perpetually remaining in power as is always the case in Africa.

Most sadly though, amidst all the accolades and commendations, quite a lot of the lessons of Madiba's life has not been imbibed by the "Leaders" of Africa especially and the world at large. The "sit tight" syndrome and corruption is still very much synonymous with "leaders" like President Robert MUGABE of Zimbabwe and others in his class..

Perhaps the world has lost the greatest man that ever lived without a replacement!

“Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.” - Nelson Mandela 1918- 2013

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